Windham Wow Moments

At Windham we pride ourselves in offering exciting enrichment opportunities for all our children. Have a look at some of our external visitors from last academic year.


Parent Quotes: 

“Thank you for all the memories and experiences - we will treasure them forever - story groups and singing, lunch club and snack times, painting and building, all the lovely messy play and playdough fun, special visitors and the fabulous shoe makers workshop!”

“We have loved the amount of external visitors this year, especially the wonderful ducks!”

“My child loved the farm visit and talked about feeding the horses for days after”

“My child wants to be a police women after having the local police officers visit the nursery”

“I loved joining my child for the spring singalong at Raleigh Road church”


A huge thank you to our parents for their voluntary contribution of £25 per term which allow the children to take part in these wonderful experiences. 

Dentist visit and free toothcare pack for each child African Drumming Peer Massage
Farm visit The Clarinet Family The Living Eggs 
Richmond Library visit  Local police  Local violinist