Jigsaw is a bespoke specialist provision for pre-school age children from across the London Borough of Richmond, with social and communication needs, including autism. The provision provides a communication-centred environment that supports the children in all areas of their learning.
Each Jigsaw class has a teacher and two early years educators. We offer Speech and Language Therapy every week and Occupational Therapy every two weeks. The teams plan and deliver a highly specialised curriculum which supports the whole child.
Each child follows an Individual Targeted Plan based on their developmental needs, which is focussed on the Prime Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Children attending the Jigsaw provision are included within Windham Mainstream Nursery during the week.
The Jigsaw Provision is open 5 days a week. We have three classes that run Monday to Friday. There are two morning classes from 8.30am–11.30am and one afternoon class from 12.45–3.45pm with the child attending for either 5 mornings or 5 afternoon sessions.
To arrange a tour or for any enquiries please contact our Jigsaw Teacher Julia on jneumann@windham.richmond.sch.uk
If you would like to apply for a place at Jigsaw we would advise that you talk to your child’s speech and language therapist initially, as they will be able to talk to you about whether they believe Jigsaw is best placed to meet your child’s needs.
Having done this, an application should be submitted to Maria Voutsinas in Achieving for children’s special educational needs and disability (SEND) department. This can be emailed to her at maria.voutsinas@achievingforchildren.org.uk
The following information may support your application;
- The most recent speech and language therapy report or assessment.
- The most recent occupational therapy report or assessment.
- The most recent paediatric report or assessment.
- Any other relevant recent report from a professional.
It is also helpful to write a short covering letter with your child’s name and date of birth and your name and contact details to ensure Maria can contact you if she needs to. All this information needs to be completed by 4th April.
This information is then reviewed following the attached timeline. Parents are informed about whether their children have been placed in Jigsaw by 5th May.