Governing Body


Committee structure and membership

Chair  Tom Paganos



Resourcing and Pay Committee         

Steven Davidson (Chair)

Juliet Cassidy (Vice-Chair)
Beverley Turner

Tej Patel (SEND Gov)

Claire Woolfe
Terri Sigamoney (Associate Member)

Clerk:  Sue McCambridge


Curriculum, Community and Achievement Committee 

Helen Inwood (Chair) 

Claire Salama 

Tom Panagos

Beverley Turner

Glenda Gallone

Ellie Trevillion







Safeguarding, Child Protection and Young People in Public Care   

Claire Salama (Safeguarding Governor)

Helen Inwood (Deputy Safeguarding Governor)
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Beverley Turner
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Ellie O'Leary (SENDcO), Julia Neumann and Giovanni Madigan




Performance Management Panel

Juliet Cassidy

Helen Inwood

(Staff: Beverley Turner)


Juliet Cassidy



Tej Patel

Headteacher Selection Panel         
Tom Paganos (Chair)  


Juliet Cassidy

Named Governors

Complaints and Admissions
Tom Panagos


Governor Support Link
Sue McCambridge


Governing Body committee structure




Resources and Pay Committee 
The committee includes the headteacher and Finance Officer.  Until summer 2014 the finance officer was also a governor.  In autumn 2014 the governing body moved to a new constitution and the finance officer has been appointed as an associate member.  There are three other governors on the committee.  The quorum is any three governors (not associate members).  The committee’s remit includes health & safety and it has taken on the role of Pay Committee fairly recently.


Curriculum, Community and Achievement

This works very much like a committee and has become more formal, but it does not have any delegated powers, the minimum membership/quorum only includes two governors (plus staff) and it does not have a separate clerk (minutes are taken by the convenor).  Actual membership currently includes three governors.  The group meets once a term and minutes are presented to the governing body.

Special Educational Needs, including special unit

Safeguarding, Child Protection and Young People in Public Care

The above three groups are smaller (about two governors, but could be just one governor) and less formal than the Curriculum and Standards Group.  The aim is for each group/individual to arrange a visit each term.  Specific remits are given by the governing body/headteacher to link to priorities in the School Development Plan.

Admissions  Chair
This is a monitoring role to look at numbers – high or low, link to budget, special cases, etc.


Performance Management Panel

Recruitment & Selection                                   

Named Governors

Complaints   Chair

Shared Site Development
This role was established to oversee the school’s role in a specific building project involving other users of the site.

Governor Support Link: