The Curriculum

Teaching and learning within Nursery follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and is informed by Development Matters and Birth to 5, government guidance on effective Early Years education.

At Windham we promote the children’s development through recognising the characteristics of effective teaching and learning.

  • Playing and Exploring: Children experience new things and are willing to ‘have a go’
  • Active Learning: Children are motivated and supported as they encounter difficulties and learn new skills
  • Creating and Thinking Critically: Children begin to refine their own ideas, making links and developing strategies to solve problems.

We focus on seven areas of learning:

The three prime areas are:

  • Communication and Language: Children develop their confidence when expressing themselves during conversations, they listen to others, take part in role play, and use new vocabulary they have learnt. Their love for stories and reading for pleasure grows.
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Children learn to form positive relationships, develop respect for themselves and others and begin to manage their emotions. They are increasingly independent in managing their own care needs.
  • Physical Development: Children develop their strength, co-ordination, control, and movement through fine and gross motor activities.  

The four specific areas:

Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, and Expressive Arts and Design.

 Windham Curriculum - Our Curriculum is....pdfDownload
 Windham Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Early Reading and Phonics at Windham Nursery School.pdfDownload
 Windham Long Term Phonics Plan.pdfDownload
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