Windham Rabbit

Windham is very pleased to announce that we have a new addition to our staffing team. We would love to introduce to you all to Smokey. 


 Smokey has been so well received by all staff and children at Windham and has become a mini celebrity within our community.


She makes regular visits to all of our class rooms to see the children, both morning and afternoon as well as visiting Little Learners.

The children are learning how to care for her. They help with changing her food and water each day and assist the staff with cleaning out the cage. Smokey often gets to have a run around in their classrooms.


Our children our so excited each morning to come and say hello to her on their way into class and occasionally bring in treats. She has had toys for her cage as well as some very tasty vegetables.


If you would like to come and meet our beautiful bunny feel free to join us at

Little Learners Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9.15am – 10.45am